Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hoyth!!! - A Journey...

And out again I curve and flow,
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But i go on forever ...

The murmur and chatter of Alfred Lord Tennyson's brook lingers in my wandering mind when little Anika says, 'Hoyth!!!' looking at those birds flying away or at the mongrel running out of sight, dejected by the music that has stopped or at losing track of the rhythmic cry of the vegetable vendor moving down the lane, amazed at the disappearance of the moon behind the dark clouds or by the sudden halt of rain drops, excited at the deer jumping across the highway to vanish inside the woods or at moving away from those ever smiling children waving at every car that passes by.

'Hoyth!!!' is what she says in a very innocent tone that only she can with her unadulterated innocence and then she continues with her other activities as cheerful and enthusiastic as always.

'Hoyth!!!' is her version of 'Hoythu', a Kannada word for 'Gone'. But for me, more than the literal meaning it is the myriad thoughts it triggers.

'Hoyth!!!', for me is a reminder of those beautiful incidents of our life which we mutely watched passing by. We must have experienced happiness, sorrow, anger or joy at that point of time but now when we remember those moments, we have a good laugh at the bad experiences and badly miss the good ones. That is Life!

This page is to cherish those nostalgic memories or share a few unforgettable moments which are or will be lost in the maze of our busy lifestyle but are still ready to light up when rekindled because we had just said, 'Hoyth!!!' but never a 'Good-Bye'.

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